• Sea Turtles (Chelonioidea)

    Sea turtles or marine turtles are large, air-breathing reptiles that inhabit tropical and subtropical seas thoughout the world.

  • Turtles Release

    Only about 1 in 1,000 hatchlings reaches adulthood.

Saba Asri Turtles Conservation


Saba Asri is a very simple self-funded sea turtle conservation center initiated by a local fisherman Made Kikik located at Saba Beach, Gianyar Bali-Indonesia. It started off with his passion and love of Mother Nature, to help sea turtles survive from the aggressive attack of stray dogs along the coastline that keep digging and eating turtle’s eggs.

At first, he sent those turtle’s eggs to the nearest turtle conservation in the island and little by little learning the entire processes as time passed by. In 2007 he tried to implement what he had learned and gathered turtle eggs to his own backyard with very simple facilities and resources with few friends.

Not until early 2013 did the local government notice of the existence of this group and helped donate some funds to build a more proper conservation center by the beach even though it’s still far away from perfect. The sanctuary is not even well protected by solid wall, only using temporary fence where stray dogs sometimes easily slip inside to steal eggs.

However, they had to survive on their own in order to keep the group alive and carry about their mission to save sea turtles in this area. Financial support of course becomes the most critical part of the journey. Feeding hatchlings can be quite expensive; cost of electricity to keep the water running in the ponds and fees for each turtle egg brought in by members or villagers can also be quite high. Not to mention maintenance and more funds to purchase to complete the conservation package while the project has no income at all. They don’t really care about their time and energy spent on this project, or even getting paid for it. Their dream for a better future and their dedication and love to this beautiful and innocent creature is what keeps them going.

The Saba Asri crew with the assistance of others nearby, collect turtle eggs locally during the egg laying season (April – October) on beaches where the turtles come in at night to lay their eggs. The eggs are carefully collected then moved to a protected, sandy area and monitored. When they hatch, the hatchlings are gathered and fed for a several days – few weeks in order to make them stronger. Then they are then released to begin their life’s journey in the open ocean. The females who survive will return in 30-40 years to the same beach where they were released to lay eggs – completing the cycle.

In a recent season Saba Asri collected about 300 nests, each containing about 100 eggs. They cared for those that hatched and released over 20,000 healthy hatchlings back to the sea. This greatly increases the number who would have survived the various predators and other dangers, who return to the sea, plus giving them a boost in survival chances.

In addition to preserving and releasing the turtles, the group also provides education for villagers and children coming from local schools. Visitors are welcome to come to for a visit at any time, and if during the hatching season, can even join in releasing some. It’s truly a moving experience.

Support Us

Baby Turtles Release

Come visit us individually or in a group to help release the baby turtles. The location is ideal to accommodate outdoor group activities.

Adoption Program

Adopt baby turtle, we will name it after you and take photo during release. The photo will be emailed to you and posted on our fanpage.

Contact Us

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  • Address

    Jl. Raya Pantai Saba
    Blahbatuh, Gianyar 80581

  • WhatsApp

    Best to send your message using WhatsApp directly k

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